Work Experience Art Atom


Work Experience Art Atom

?The ATOM think I ching yi andmodern mathematical logic is the same. Numbers can express everything, no twoof the same leaf in the world, but is the humanity property decided to designone of the most important genetic code.


Work Experience Art Atom

Atom to pursue the most pure natural,originated because all natural, explore the real math behind the destiny,unity, and the mathematical logic of modern science and technology of digitalprogramming, express their basic logic of the nature, basic genetic chain, eachdigital genes affecting all things grow, through digital simulation, redesignthe pursuit of the natural law, is not, of course, no set rules to change atwill, to have the fear of the natural rules.?


Work Experience Art Atom

About Us

Work Experience Art Atom

Atom to pursue the most pure natural,originated because all natural, explore the real math behind the destiny,unity, and the mathematical logic of modern science and technology of digitalprogramming, express their basic logic of the nature, basic genetic chain, eachdigital genes affecting all things grow, through digital simulation, redesignthe pursuit of the natural law, is not, of course, no set rules to change atwill, to have the fear of the natural rules. The ATOM think I ching yi andmodern mathematical logic is the same. Numbers can express everything, no twoof the same leaf in the world, but is the humanity property decided to designone of the most important genetic code.


Contact Us

Work Experience Art Atom


T: 15821307536

M: 15858264676


A: 上海徐汇
