ATOM:原子;原名:zhangdongyuan 独立匠人设计师,生于山东,小时候就深受中国的《封神演义》和《山海经》等神话故事的影响,开启了自己对自然宇宙的想象大门,对易经里的八卦图产生极其神秘的想象空间,运用各种卦象图演绎表达世界万物的密码? Atom, originally named Zhuang Dongyuan, is an independent artisan and designer. Born in a small village in Shandong, he was deeply influenced by the ancient Chinese myths such as?Fengshen Yanyi (The Investiture of the Gods)?and?Shan Hai Jing (Classic of Mountains and Seas). These stories triggered his imagination of the natural universe. Since his childhood, he has been intrigued by the mysteries of the Bagua diagram which decodes the secrets of everything in the?universe. atom追寻最纯真的自然逻辑,探索背后纯正的数学定数,通过现代科技数学逻辑数字进行写编程,利用计算机算法进行抒写自然的基本逻辑,通过代码和多种程序模式进行数字模拟然后重新定义,每个数字基因都影响着万物生长,追寻自然的基本规律进行再设计,设计重要的是?知行合一(知道道理规矩和人性的行动实践要相结合),设计核心对自然数理有敬畏之心。人文情怀和人的主观能动性与自然数理完美结合是决定设计最重要的基因代码? Atom pursues the essential logic of the Nature and explores the mathematical rules behind phenomena. As he writes codes through the logic of modern science and technology, he redefines the meaning of the numbers in the computer algorithms with a variety of codes and digital simulation programs. He believes that every little combination of numbers in the genes matters to the growth of all life, therefore a designer should respect the mathematical?core of the Nature. He is convicted that the most important thing in design is to align one’s practice with his understanding of the basic rules of nature and?human society.? ATOM认为易经的易理和现代的数学逻辑是一样的。数字抒写着自然万物,人性则是造物之源? 易理观象,格物致知,大象无形,匠心独运,至上于行—ATOM (运用自然数理的数学逻辑去观察事物,通过读事物的观察在自己内心的形成自己的道理感悟,大自然包罗万象存在着无形的道理逻辑,运用匠人之心,追寻自然的道理,最重要是行动,在真实实践中设计创造出真正的设? Atom holds that?I Ching (the Book of Changes)?and the modern mathematics have some shared wisdom of logic. Numbers are the basic units of the language in which?the natural world is written, while?human nature is the source of creation. Observe things using natural mathematical logic, derive one’s own moral understanding by analyzing the?observations,?formulate abstract concepts that explains the universe, and finally, implement the truth in the practice of designing. ?Atom 道家?道生二,二生三,三生万物。万物都是有简单的单体衍生组合而成,道家很早就阐述了这个道理? 世界空间乃至万物生长都有其背后的逻辑定数。而这种参数不就是大自然设计万物的基因编码?用现代可解释就是科学的数学数据逻辑。ATOM认为在大自然这个大的数据空间里,无论做什么设计都应遵循其道义数据。追溯本源了解追寻“物”的道,才能做出真的设计? “道”的有机逻辑数据参数与大自然“人和”(人的参与制作简称)的运作,是应该学习和膜拜的方法论。大自然是最伟大的设计师,对”道“有敬畏之心。它赋予物种最基础的代码,它更是影响物种生长的脚本逻辑决定着物种的衍生进化的最大因素? The ancient Taoist?wisdom has it that the one?[Tao] engenders the two, the two engenders the three and the three begets all things of the world.?Namely, everything in the universe comes from simple entities. There is a logic or Tao behind all changes in the world space and to the growth?of all creation. Isn’t that the gene code with which the Nature designs all creations? Translated into the language of modern science, this code is the mathematical logic. Atom thinks that in the immense data bank such as the Nature itself, all designs should comply with this source code of logic or Tao. Only by following the Tao of Creation?can one do truthful design.? The harmonious collaboration between the logic or the Tao with human participation?is the method of creation that awes me. The Nature is the greatest designer, with the Tao in its heart. It is the source of the basic core codes of all?species?and script?of their growth. It is the main determinant of evolution. 追寻自然参数只是设计的一个开始,人的参与匠心的制作实践过程是设计创新核心源。人的实践劳动过程,赋予设计生命力。婴儿的第一声哭泣是主题生命的开始,生命 “造化”决定着生命的成长? 万物自有其定数,经过人的实践活动赋予生命力。追求自然而然的设计,学习大自然的造物法则“天人合一”则才能做出真设计? Logging down the parameters of Nature is just the beginning of design. The most powerful part of any creative?design is when human?beings put their hearts in the?effort?and infuse spirit into the design. The first cry of a baby may?represent the beginning of a life, but it is the “destiny?that pushes the life forward. There is a time for everything?in life that human beings strive for. Only by learning the Nature’s way?of creation can a designer do designs that could?achieve the “oneness of Heaven and man."